Eighteen members joined the trip to Baraboo, WI. Thank you to Lori Huff who organized non-ski activities and a Welcome Reception that included a taco bar. Thank you to Jeff Sherman, Jeff Owen and Tim Gull for the music and fun conversations.
EISC members enjoyed a full day of skiing at Devil’s Head Ski Resort and Cascade Mountain. Devil’s Head State Park is known for its history, trees and beautiful scenery. While Cascade Mountain offers more variety of slopes and faster chair lifts. There was plenty of snow, cooler weather and good quality skiing. Saturday night all eighteen members met for dinner at the Log Cabin Restaurant.
Members also enjoyed non-ski activities that included many attractions in the Baraboo, WI area such as the Ringling Bros Museum, hiking at the Pulpit Rock Trail at Mirror Lake and more. DNR Park Rangers pointed out icicles and explained the natural history of the local park. Treasures were found at the Baraboo Craft & Antique Mall, followed by musical entertainment by Sam Ness at the Broken Bottle Winery.
Members also toured Ochsner Zoo, Devil’s Head State Park and a 45-minute night walk through Aquavia Lumina - an enchanted forest along canyon sandstone rock with laser lights and relaxing meditation sounds.
On the way home members stopped for a fabulous late lunch in Mt Horeb and did some shopping at Duluth Trading Company.
Article by Lori Huff/Todd Eadie | photos by Carla Eilers, Diane Anderson, Jan Keeney and Jeff Owen