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EISC Presence on Social Media

Todd Eadie | Published on 6/1/2024
In addition to the East Iowa Ski Club (EISC) website, our club can be found on the following social media platforms. This will be mainly used for Marketing campaigns such as videos and other social media posts which will allow our club to reach more people. We will always try to direct people to our website for information and membership.

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitter X
    • YouTube

There are two Facebook group pages available:

     • East Iowa Ski Club (Private Group). This Facebook group page is for EISC Members and family. If you have anything you want to share to only EISC members you can post here. If you are an EISC member, please join this Facebook group.

     • East Iowa Ski Club-EISC. This Facebook group is for the general public who have requested to be part of the public group but are not necessarily EISC members. We typically use this to promote EISC and reach out to see if anyone is interested in joining as an EISC member.