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HomeExecutive Board

Marty - President & Adventure Trip Coordinator


""The Outdoor Fun People" says what we do. But it's the great people that defines who we are!"

My wife Janet introduced me to Ski Club when we were first married. And although I wondered what I got myself into when I tried to ski down my first hill, it's been a great time ever since. Skiing, biking, camping, kayaking, fishing, hiking and just getting together with good friends are all things I have really enjoyed.

Steve - Vice President & Ski Trip Coordinator

"The ski club has afforded me the opportunity to travel and ski some of the greatest & most scenic resorts in the world" 

Being a member has given me the chance to meet and ski with interesting and fun people which have become good friends. Serving on the board is a great experience and an opportunity to give back. I have participated in some great ski and bicycle trips, events and outings.

Mary - Secretary

"I no longer ski, but love to travel and experience great fun with fellow club members"

It's been a pleasure to be a member of EISC since 1994. I have chaired trips and served on the board from 2004-2008. I just retired for the second time. After numerous joint replacements, I no longer ski, but love to travel and experience great fun with fellow club members.           

Bill - Membership


"I've benefited from many of the activities that the club offers"

I have been a member of the East Iowa Ski Club for two years. Since joining, my wife Jill and I have been on the Crested Butte and Breckenridge ski trips, and are looking forward to going to Copper Mountain this year. During the summer, we've enjoyed the camping and bicycling adventures, as well as the Canyonlands and walleye fishing trips. I really liked learning to play pickleball as well as trying new foods at some of the ethnic dinners. As you can see, I've benefited from many of the activities that the club offers, and feel that being a member of the board is my opportunity to give back to the group. 

Tim - House & Clinics


"on corduroy early on a crisp morning with Tork and Jim skiing a consistent 70 miles an hour. It was exhilarating"



The ski club helped my social life and yes, I met my share of characters. That describes most everyone in the club; a bunch of characters. The experiences I have had with the ski club could fill a book:

Then there was the time in Big Sky, Montana skiing on corduroy early on a crisp morning with Tork and Jim skiing a consistent 70 miles an hour. It was exhilarating.

Then there was a time of hang gliding off the top of the mountain at Jackson Hole, Wyoming or the time we helicopter skied at Sun Valley, Idaho.

The ski club has provided fun and affordable adventures for a lot of years. I hope to continue that tradition by spreading the word to get new members to join the fun.

James - Communications


"in the short time I have been a member I have gotten the opportunity to learn to ski from its incredible members and to travel to some of the most beautiful places I have ever been."

I have been a member of EISC since 2019 (I realize that is not very long ago, but moving right along). I live in Cedar Rapids where I work for Collins Aerospace. I was introduced to the club with zero skiing experience, and in the short time I have been a member I have gotten the opportunity to learn to ski from its incredible members and to travel to some of the most beautiful places I have ever been.

Todd - Special Activities, Publicity/Marketing


"Since becoming a member, I have met many fun and friendly people."


I have been a member of EISC since January 2023. Since becoming a member, I have met many fun and friendly people. My interests include downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, golfing and biking. I have served as a Ski Trip Co-Chair on the Minneapolis Ski & Fun Trip that included both skiing and non-skiing activities. I have also joined the Beaver Creek, CO ski trip. I am very excited to ski in Colorado again since skiing Steamboat, CO many years ago. As a Board member, I will work to help serve the club by continuing to provide fun and exciting events year around. 

Janet - Treasurer

"It's amazing how fast the winters go by when they are full of activities"

Many years ago some friends invited me to check out the East Iowa Ski Club. So I began as a non-skier and soon learned how much fun the EISC could be. I really enjoy the club and all of the many friendships that resulted. I am an intermediate level skier, and have alot of fun on the "blue cruisers". Recently I also began snow shoeing. It's amazing how fast the winters go by when they are full of activities. The year-round outdoor fun people. That's what we are. 

Kim "Tweety" - Webmaster

"The club is my social outlet"

I have been in the ski club since 2003, and on the board since 2006, serving as trip coordinator, president, membership, newsletter editor and now webmaster, and I consider the club to be my social outlet. The members are more like family than just friends. I have many memories to cherish with these folks. I believe that is why I enjoy doing so much work for the club. I believe we are special group of people, with many talents, and we are fortunate that they share those talents.

Cathy - Skiddoo Editor


"Always looking for an adventure"

I have been a member of the club for several years now and even though I don’t ski at this point in my life, I love being active and meeting new, like-minded people. The club offers many other fun trips besides skiing as well as get-togethers including a chili cook-off, culinary meet-ups and various other activities to participate in.

These days, you will find me cycling, kayaking, hiking, camping, attending live music events, sporting events including Hawkeye football and traveling, among many other things. With so many fantastic trip opportunities the club offers, I look forward to many fun adventures to come! Laissez les bons temps rouler!