EISC T-shirt and Hats Sign-up Sheet
Todd Eadie | Published on 6/1/2024
EISC t-shirts and hats look amazing and are fun to wear at EISC trips, social events and other events in your community. The t-shirts and hats are a great way to help promote the East Iowa Ski Club to others. If you do not have a t-shirt or hat, we will have a signup sheet available at the Annual Picnic on June 1. We are gauging interest and need a count before an order can be placed.
T-Shirt colors are Orchid, Navy, Green, and Dark Grey in many sizes and a four color options for hats. Members can also login to the EISC website - Storefront to view the pictures. Click the link
Storefront T-shirts require a minimum quantity before we can place with the vendor. Prices for T-shirts and Hats will be approximately $16 - $22 each and is determined by the quantity ordered. The more people sign-up the quicker an order can be placed. Sign-up today! If you have any questions, please contact Todd Eadie. Thanks!