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MPO Bike Ride recap

Tim Gull | Published on 6/1/2024

On Saturday, May 11th, over 20 EISC members rode on the 2024 MPO (Metro Planning Organization)/AARP bike ride. It was a beautiful sunny crisp morning as we met at Bever Park. At sign-in we were given the choice of a free quality bike tool kit or a Fanny pack. At 10:00 am we headed down Bever Avenue to 2nd Street. Turning on 3rd Avenue through NewBo and past Cargil, the fish hatchery and onto the Sac and Fox trail. It was the first time some of us had been or ridden on the trail. It was a nice shaded winding ride over and under bridges and a real nature trail. At the end of the ride we were treated to a tasty box lunch and a presentation of the trail system and the future proposed trails. If you did not attend it is a must do next year.