EISC Board Member Election Updates
Steve Cummings | Published on 12/30/2024
It is time for the annual EISC elections for our board of directors. We currently have seven board members with two (Marty Stimson and Bill Clark) running for re-election (thank you Marty & Bill) and long-time board member Mary Day retiring from the board (for the third time) – thank you for your service, Mary! Several months ago, the board voted to add an eighth member this year to address growing the Adventure Travel coordination for the club. This would require the club to find two new board members for the 2025-26 season.
Steve Cummings was named the board member to lead the Nominating committee and we would like to thank members Tom and Loretta Conrey for volunteering to serve on the Nominating Committee. This committee is responsible for the important job of identifying possible candidates to serve a two-year term and counting the votes during our February election meeting. The candidates will be introduced during the January Soup and Chili Cook-off Meeting.
We would like to thank long time member Rosanne Van Cura for volunteering to run for the board a second time. The club needs our members to volunteer to serve on the board in order to complete the tasks needed for the club to continue to function. Rosanne was the only member to volunteer to run for the board, so we have decided to continue with seven board members again through the 2025-26 season. The new board starts in April and will be introduced at the April Post Party meeting.
Article by Steve Cummings