Upcoming Events:
December 4 Nothing Nights – CJ’s Sports Bar
December 6-7 Salvation Army Bell Ringing-Fleet Farm & Theisen’s
December 9 Culinary Night – Napoli’s Italian Restaurant
December 11 Nothing Nights – CJ’s Sports Bar
December 14 Member Meeting at KC Hall (Christmas theme)
December 18 Nothing Nights – CJ’s Sports Bar
January 10-12 Baraboo, WI Ski & Fun Trip
January 18 Chili Cook-Off at Wanatee Park
February 1-8 Whitefish, MT Ski & Fun Trip
February 15 Member Meeting at KC Hall (Valentine’s Day theme)
February 21-23 Galena IL and Dubuque, IA Ski & Fun Trip
March 15 Meeting at KC Hall (St. Patrick’s Day theme)
April 5-14 New Orleans Trip
April 26 Post Party
Check out the YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED IT section in the newsletter.
If you have moved, changed or added an email, or any other information, you can logon to the EISC website (EastIowaSkiClub.com) and change your personal information in your profile. You don't want to miss out on the latest updates!