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EISC Golf Outing sign-up
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EISC members,

At our recent March meeting, Sandra Cummings made an announcement of the EISC Golf Outing this year and invited everyone to sign-up. If you are interested in please let Sandra know. You can see her at the next meeting or contact her directly by phone or email. Details are also available in scheduled Events.

I am also looking for 3 people to create a team of 4 golfers for this golf outing. Or, I can join an existing team. If you are interested please send an email to me at or contact me at our next Meeting. Spring is fast approaching. Summer will be here soon. Sign-up now to participate in this fun event!

Thanks - Todd Eadie

Golf Day

When: Saturday, July 29, 2023, 9:00 AM

Where: Buffalo Creek Golf Course

1925 Slater Ave.

Winthrop, IA 50682

For more information contact:

Sandra Cummings

319-536-5882 (c)

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