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Bike Ride Wednesday, 6/24
Ruth Van Tol
Although my preferred time to bike is early in the morning before the heat of the day and winds kick up, this Wednesday, June 24 looks like an ideal time to bike. High temp is predicted to be 77. So let's plan to meet at Tait Cummins again but this time at 10 AM instead of "the crack of dawn". We will head to Ely and Solon again. If there are some folks that would prefer a shorter ride, either they can start at Tait Cummins and turn around when they get to Ely. Another option is to be at the Ely City Park at 10:45/11:00 to meet riders that left from Tait Cummins. I believe it is 7 miles to Solon from Ely. We should be able to enjoy a brew and lunch at Big Grove Brewery or we could check out House Divided back in Ely and lunch at Odies, and of course there has to be ice cream at Dan and Debbie's.

Let me know if you have any questions. Last time we had 5 riders. Can we make 10 this time? You can call or text 507-273-4340.

Ruth Van
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