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Cross Country Skiing

Cross Country Ski - Saturday, February 18th
Pat Boland

Hey Cross Country Skiers!

We have some nice snow on the ground and this week's location is Matsell Bridge. Meet at 1pm (see optional meeting places below).

Directions to Matsell Bridge:

East on County Home Road to Viola.

Go North on Stone City Road to Matsell Bridge Road

There are 2 ski trails to choose from at Matsell:

Short Trail near the Red Oak Cabin

Longer Trail on West Hart Road (continue on Matsell Bridge Road to Hart Road for trail parking)

Here is a link to the Matsell Bridge Park:

If you go to Matsell, please send me photos.

If you choose to go to another location closer to CR, send me photos of that outing as well.

I will not be skiing Saturday, February 18th as we have another event that afternoon.

Enjoy the skiing adventures while we have snow!

Pat Boland


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