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EISC Summer Fun Promotional Video

Todd Eadie | Published on 5/2/2024

We are introducing a new marketing video “Come Enjoy… Summer Fun!” This is available on social media: Facebook Group pages and YouTube. A second video for Winter Fun is complete and will be released soon. Stay tuned...

How do I watch the video? Login to or and search “East Iowa Ski Club” from your computer or mobile phone. You can view it on either the public or private Facebook Group pages or YouTube. Press the ‘Like’ icon, enter a ‘Comment’ or click ‘Share’ to grow our visibility on social media. I am also looking at other media options like Instagram, posting the video on the EISC website; including in-person opportunities at local events with an EISC table and banner.

If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions please send an email to todd@eastiowaskiclub.comarticle by Todd Eadie.