Greetings East Iowa Ski Club members. This month I get to write the newsletter message for our friend Marty while he continues to recover and feels up to writing the president’s messages. This is the annual transition time for the club, as we move into our summer activities schedule, starting with the EISC Spring Picnic, June 1.
Everyone has made it back from the club’s first try at an adventure cruise. Thanks to Bill Clark, Rosanne Van Cura and Cathy Dick for their help and guiding us around the large ship. The port stops were all exciting. We got to enjoy different cultures and a few members tried adventure hikes, snorkeling & scuba diving (in a dive bell). Others enjoyed relaxing on the ship. Look for Cathy’s article & pics on the trip.
The May 11 AARP/MPO bike ride was a great time and went surprisingly well for most members. This was not an official club event, however there were about 20 members among the more than 200 bicyclers. Thanks to Tim Gull for organizing this event for the club. The wind, hills and a stretch of the Sac Fox trail made it a challenging ride for our bicyclists. I have never seen so many e-bikes in one place. Tim has an article on this adventure.
The club is participating in the Cardboard Regatta at Ellis Park on Saturday, June 8. The Trout Run Trail bike ride / camping weekend in Decorah is coming up on June 15. It is a great trail that circles a cool city. We are trying to get an EISC night at the ballpark set up – we let that event slip by us. Currently, the EISC Golf outing has 34 names signed up for the July 20 outing at Meadow View Golf and Country Club in Central City.
This is a busy time of the year with graduations and weddings and we do appreciate people taking time to come to the EISC Spring Picnic. This will be the first opportunity to sign up for the Feb 1-8/2025 Whitefish Ski trip! Thanks to Ruth Van Tol and Jeff Barnes for leading this exciting adventure. We are looking forward to staying at the Lodge on Whitefish Lake this trip. This is also the final payment date for this fall’s Washington DC bus tour.
The trip planning committee is functioning; however, we need the adventure trip leader’s input and he is still working on recovery and getting stronger. I should mention Marty does most of the work setting up the adventure trips. We all benefit from his work and we all hope he will be able to join us again soon. Please continue the positive thoughts and prayers.