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April 2023 President's Message

Steve Cummings | Published on 4/6/2023

Greetings EISC members. We certainly had a lively March member meeting. It was good to visit with everyone. The Copper Mountain ski trip report went well. The Great Lakes/Niagara trip is ready to go this May. Folks are looking forward to this Adventure trip. Unfortunately, the Black Hills/Yellowstone/Western Parks trip had to be cancelled. We were four short of the minimum and the board decided to go back and look at what went wrong on this trip. Not every trip is going to be a success, so we will learn and adjust for the future. The new April of 2024 Caribbean cruise trip is still on the list, but has to be adjusted to fit the club better. There are many variables on a cruise & it is difficult to make one price fit all. The cost details – especially the flight to port costs is still being finalized, but this adventure trip sounds like fun & has support. The Trip Committee will be busy.

The Copper Mountain trip was a great time. We had the great snow for skiing and we spent more time enjoying the local apre ski entertainment than usual. There were some updates from the mountain pictures in March. There is a more complete report on our 2nd ski trip in the “In Case You Missed It” section of the newsletter.

The EISC Trip Committee met to organize some of the activities and dates for our summer schedule. We used suggestions from the January survey & from members – especially those who volunteer to lead the trips and events. We still have room for more trip and event leaders if you are interested. The summer events are mostly free & your camping or hotel room is individual. Trip/Event Leader satisfaction can be measured on volunteer fun and job well done.

Springtime is a tough for outdoor activities. It is the end of the current ski season.

The Epic & Icon ski pass prices are coming out for next season (we are going with Epic resorts in 2024). The weather is kind of damp & cool yet for bicycling – except for Ruth, of course. Same problem for those who golf. Fortunately, we can still get out and make the best of it. I was just discussing this with the little dog on our walk this morning – she tends to agree with me more than most.

This is a busy planning time for the EISC board. We will be saying goodbye to long time board member Ruth Van Tol. We do appreciate her contributions and leadership over the years. We welcome new board member, Bill Clark and will be working on the assignments and elections for next season. The next member meeting is the EISC Recognition Dinner on Saturday, April 15th at the KC Hall. The club will be providing the meat - Marty will be smoking some pork and asks everyone to bring a dish or dessert to share. This is our second year of doing the Recognition Dinner and was a good time last year. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.

Thanks ~ Steve