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May 2023 President's Message

Marty Stimson | Published on 5/2/2023

President’s Message

It is the time of year when your board meets and elects the new officer positions for the next year. So… at our last board meeting I got the lucky draw to be your next club President, and I am excited, and honored, to fill that spot. I have to say a lot of my decision to say yes was because of all of you who make this the fun club it is, and to all the board who work hard to keep the trips and activity list flowing. I also want to give credit to both Steve Cummings and Ruth Van Tol for their past president work in setting a new template of trips and activities to follow. It’s a lot easier to follow a set path rather than create a totally new plan. Both Janet and I do not ski anymore so our ski trip participation is a little limited, but we do look forward to seeing you at or on as many of our other trips and activities as we can.

I also want to welcome Bill Clark to our board as our newly elected board member and introduce all our board positions. Steve Cummings is the Vice President and the primary Trip Coordinator. Mary Day is our secretary. Bill Clark will fill the role of Membership and also help as a trip coordinator. Lois Kabela Coates is our Special Activities Coordinator. Tim Gull is our House and Clinics Coordinator and James Toothaker is Publicity/Marketing and Communications. Also, our club would not function without our Skiddoo Editor, Cathy Dick, our Web Site Administrator Kim Betts, and our Treasurer, Janet Stimson. As with all our positions, we all contribute so to any member, always feel free to reach out to any board member with questions or new trip ideas.

I think each year we are setting the bar higher again on all our trips. Our summer is filling up with lots of activities including the golf outing that is back on our calendar. But if anyone has a new idea, please reach out. There is always room for one more. I was disappointed that we could not get enough people signed up to make the Black Hills/Western National Parks trip go.

But no worries as we will keep at it to put forth a variety of ski and non-ski trips. For this next year, I am really excited about the two weeklong winter west trips, plus we have the Minneapolis ski and fun weekend trip back on for early January. Then it is our weeklong trips. Beaver Creek and Telluride are two of my topmost favorite ski resorts. The mountain, accommodations, amenities, and village are definitely “a touch above the rest.” These are ski resorts, but you do not have to ski to enjoy these spots. The town of Telluride is a fun place by itself plus they offer guided snowshoe, photography, snowmobile and flyfishing tours. Also about the same offerings for Beaver Creek, and you can never leave out the fine dining spots on and around the resort.

Once the ski season is over, stay tuned for a weeklong Caribbean Cruise in April. Then in the fall, we want to do another bus trip. A few places on the list are a tour of the plantations of the south, Washington DC, or the Civil War sites along the east coast. We hope to have more details to present on both trips at our June picnic.

With that we have another full year of activities and trips. My last note for my first President’s letter is the one important activity I want to work hard at this year is getting more members. We have some added advertising ideas, but word of mouth is always the best advertising so keep spreading the word.

Thanks everyone. It’s going to be another fun year

~ Marty Stimson