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April 15th Year in Review and Recognition Recap

Marty Stimson | Published on 5/2/2023

For a cool, windy, and rainy evening, we had a very nice turnout.  Over 60 members showed up with their favorite dish to share.


Marty Stimson smoked and brought the roaster full of pulled pork and Denny


Bossard brought a very nice cake to celebrate all the April Birthday’s.


Definitely quite the feast again. Seeing so many ski club friends made for a great evening and year end celebration and recognition event.  I did hear a few folks suggest we consider a meal out as we used to do in the past again.   Definitely something we can consider if there is enough interest. Or maybe we do a catered meal in – like we used to do with the prime rib dinner.  

Steve Cummings started off the meeting with a trip update on our weekend and major ski trips for next year. Starting off is a weekend ski trip to Alton Alps early January and staying in the Minneapolis area.

Later January is a trip to Beaver Creek, and later February to Telluride, both fantastic ski resorts in Colorado. These trips will go on sale at the Spring Picnic.

A little further out, Marty Stimson then shared the club plans for a Caribbean Cruise next April and a motor coach trip in the fall. Check out the details of these trips in the trip section of this Skiddoo.

Steve then presented a great slide show of photos hi-lighting the many trips and activities over this last year. Another reminder of how much our club does.

A big thank you goes out to Janet for her table decoration ideas and to all those who helped decorate the hall and thank you to Tim for bringing all the supplies.

A HUGE thanks to everyone who ran a trip or helped with a trip or event/activity including those that lent a hand at any or our meetings or activities. We would not be able to do all the things we do without your help.

If you missed it, the new board positions were introduced along with welcoming Bill Clark to the board. You can see the newly assigned positions on the second page of this Skiddoo.

~ Article and photos by Marty Stimson