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President's Message October 2023

Marty Stimson | Published on 10/13/2023

Notice how many places you can find Waldo lurking!?  Ha! – we definitely have some creative and talented folks in our club. Nice job Bob Warner. Waldo aside, our group picture from the Corn Roast turned out pretty good.

As we enter October fall is definitely in the air and ski season is getting closer. Last month was our annual Kickoff meeting. Even though our ski trips are announced at the Spring Picnic, the September meeting to me will always be our annual fall “Kickoff”.  It does signify the start of our winter meeting months and, reminds us that it’s time to finalize our winter trip plans. We did have a nice turnout with lots of good foods and desserts again. This club does know how to cook and eat.

In keeping with our club’s motto “Enjoy the Adventure” we definitely have some fun trips lined up for next year starting off with this winter’s ski trips. I wish Janet and I were still skiing – Telluride and Beaver Creek are fantastic resorts. Telluride is almost full but we need more people to sign up for Beaver Creek, which is my favorite. The accomodations are 5 star plus with the slopes litterally just steps out your door. 

I know, it might be a little pricey, but you won’t regret going if you’re still on the fence and thinking about it and we’re even doing a fun Midwest ski and fun weekend to Minneapolis.

Then next spring is the Caribbean Cruise.  $2,214 that includes a balcony room, your air fare, all your meals including two nights of specialty dining options and an upgraded beverage package is a pretty good deal. You can do an ocean view room for less but still with all the other amenities. The shore excursion adventures are extra but you can pick and chose what you want to do there. THEN, we have a great interest list already for the fall Washington DC bus trip.

So, no more sitting around lounging on the couch wondering what to do. It would be great if you signed up for one of our club trips but even if you do something else, as long as you are doing something that’s OK.  See you at the October meeting and don’t forget--it’s on a Saturday!

Article by Marty Stimson, EISC Club President