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December President's Message

Marty Stimson | Published on 11/28/2023

Happy Holidays to everyone! I hope it was a good and enjoyable Thanksgiving for all. It definitely was for us. We spent our Thanksgiving in San Antonio, Texas with my brother and his family, catching up while also enjoying some fun outdoor time.
My picture is in Lost Maples State Park. It’s an amazing 2,100-acre park Northwest of San Antonio, deep in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. I didn’t make a very good dent in walking the 12 or so miles of trails but we did manage to hike two miles of the river valley terrain.

Back to ski club - it’s great that we now have two full west ski trips. Telluride seemed to easily fill but Beaver Creek was a struggle. Thank you to Ruth and Tim for pulling out all the stops and getting it filled, and thank you to all our members that signed up to go.

Todd and LeeAnn are doing great at setting up a fun Minneapolis Ski and Fun weekend with 31 signed up and few more that will also be joining us in Minneapolis. I don’t remember the last time we had this many people go on our Midwest trip, but our winter activities don’t stop at these trips. As our temperatures continue to drop and the snow starts to fall, we will be setting up our cross-country skiing and snow shoeing calendar so stay tuned.

Following our ski season is the cruise in April with at least 26 signed up to go. I’m waiting for the official list from Concierge Cruises as I think there are even more. It’s not too late if you are still thinking of going – you have until December 9. We finish out the year with the DC trip and then it’s a whole new calendar for another year of trips and fun.

I hope to see everyone at our December meeting. Our meetings have been a little light on attendance these last couple months but having a meeting on an Iowa home football game hasn’t helped that. I hope everyone can keep their calendar open the 16th and make it to the December meeting. Thanks!