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December Member Meeting Recap

Janet Stimson | Published on 1/2/2024

It was a festive group of over 60 EISC’rs at our December meeting. We had a large group display of holiday attire and lots of tasty treats to share. Our two west trips, Beaver Creek and Telluride, are full.

The Minneapolis Afton Alps/Welch Village Ski and Fun trip is set to go with 32 participants. The Caribbean Cruise trip has 24 trip takers for April 2024.
 announced election details – nominating committee and a slate of candidates.  
Marty announced the trip details for our bus trip to Washington DC for Sept 2024. Many activities are making progress. Mary Day
Many thanks to all who have helped with table and chair set up and tear down at the meetings. This results in a significant savings to the club and we appreciate your help.
Looking forward to seeing everyone next month for our annual Chili and Soup Cookoff at Wanatee Park, Red Cedar Lodge.

Article by Janet Stimson, EISC Treasurer
Photos by Cathy Dick, Skiddoo Editor