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February Vice President's Message

Steve Cummings | Published on 1/31/2024

Greetings East Iowa Ski Club members. I am filling in for our friend Marty until he is back on his feet & writing his inspirational president’s messages. This is the slightly less inspirational VP message. We had a good turnout at the January Soup and Chili Cook-off meeting. Thank you to all those who participated in the cook-off, those who brought in the other foods – especially the desserts and those who helped with the set up and the cleanup of the lodge. We want to recognize board Secretary, Mary Day and the door workers who checked everyone in & distributed the Adventure Trip Ideas survey. Thanks to Sandra Cummings and Connie Miller for running the cook-off & counting the tickets. House & Clinics board rep, Tim Gull did a great job of organizing the supplies – he mentioned he didn’t count on people using two plates for all the samples as the cause for the slight plate shortage. I don’t think anyone even noticed.

The cold weather and deep snow may have kept the number of the outdoor activity participants down this year. We did have fun snowshoeing and there were a few XC skiers blazing their own trails. It was good to recognize our Webmaster, Kim Betts with the 3rd place award from the CMSC for the EISC website design out of some 60 entries.

We all appreciated Janet’s update on Marty’s condition - all of our thoughts and prayers are with him.

This week is the EISC’s first West trip to Beaver Creek, CO. This is a driving trip and will we have 25 members on the mountain when this newsletter comes out. Beaver Creek is very nice ski resort just west of Vail on I 70. The club is staying in the Borders ski in/ski out luxury condos. Thanks to Ruth Van Tol and Tim Gull for leading this trip to one of our favorite Colorado ski mountains. Ruth will have a report out on how things went in next month’s Skiddoo.

We will be looking at the surveys and sharing the results. These are the ideas we use for planning future Adventure trips. That’s it for this month other than hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy this great winter weather!